Sastrugi Marketing - w3c CSS 2.1 Compliant
This Sastrugi Marketing page was validated as CSS 2.1 Strict Compliant to ensure the greatest possible cross-browser interoperability. All of Sastrugi Marketing's web development is tested to maximize the user experience, regardless of what browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Etc) the page visitor is using. Additionally, complete adherence to the most recent web standards in design maximizes the probability that this page will continue to display properly has browsers and standards evolve.
What are Cascading Style Sheets?
CSS enables the separation of content (text, images, etc.) from style elements such as the layout, colors, and fonts.
The CSS3 Standard is currently under development. Many browsers support most CSS3 features, but older versions of Internet Explorer offer almost no support. As could be expected given their recent history, Internet Explorer trails the pack in acceptance.
Sastrugi Marketing's pages use some advanced CSS3 features (gradients, etc.). The lack of agreement on settled standards with respect to CSS3 makes validation complex.
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