Sastrugi Marketing - $249 Deluxe Internet Tune Up
30 Minute consultation to determine needs, keywords, ftp info and/or webmaster contact information.
Web Site Work:
Title(s) Revision:
Edit Page Titles to include probable phrases that customers will use when searching for your business.
Proper Meta Tags:
Ensure that pages have full complement of standard Meta Tags (Keywords, Description, Content, Robots, etc.).
Alt Tag Creation/Revision:
Provide Alternative Content for images. Robots can read text; they cannot see images, and must be provided text.
Internal Link Structure Review:
Link Structure improvements will be suggested or implemented. Link Structure will be revised to Focus Page Authority on important pages.
Keyword-Rich Text or suggestions:
Focus text on important keywords.
Alternate Content for Flash Objects:
Provide alternative, browser and iPhone friendly images for important Flash objects. Robots can read text, they cannot see flash.
XML Site Map
Provide bots with a site map to encourage them to index all pages in your site. Create or amend robots.txt file to direct search engines to the site map.
HTML Site Map
Provide human visitors with a site map to assist in navigation and provide links to interior pages.
Eliminate or correct up to 50 Broken Links
Broken links sink sites. Firstly, they make a poor impression on human visitors. It suggests that you are sloppy in your approach to business and customer service. Secondly, Search Engines don't like broken links. It's an easy, automated metric by which a robot can assess the quality of your site. Thirdly, they may direct Page Rank to error pages, and away from actual pages that provide information and sell.
Provide a Custom 400, 401, 403, 404 and 500 Error Pages
Ok, after a few site hurried site changes, you may wind up with a broken link or two. Or, there may be an infrequent error in a complex mechanism that creates dynamic page address. Whatever the reason, your visitors may wind up directed to a page that doesn't exist or doesn't work. Wouldn't it be better if your website handled that mistake with grace? You can ever use humor, as seen at this page.
Additionally, if you have broken external links, you may still get the visitor to use your site if you have a custom error page that provides them with reassurance they've reached a real site and navigational links to get to other pages.
Important Notes:
1.) The Internet Tune Up is designed to improve your Search Engine Results, but no guarantee of performance is made, expressed or implied. Improved Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will usually improve your performance with respect to specific keywords, but SEO is a competitive field, and Search Engine Algorithms are carefully guarded secrets. All work is performed on a best efforts basis.
2.) This is a $249 Internet Tune Up - It's not a complete makeover of your entire website, or a complex and through Search Engine Marketing program - items that could cost hundreds of times more. My first step in the production process will be to determine where that time will be best spent to achieve maximum results (for example, if your site has many interior pages with hundreds of images, I won't provide Alt tags for every image). If the items I've listed above sound like a substantial amount of work for $149, they are. Our profitability model is to meaningfully exceed expectations with the $149 Internet Tune Up to establish a business relationship, demonstrate the quality of our services, secure referrals, and additional projects.
3.) No changes will be made that substantially alter or degrade website function. Fundamentally, we change text on the site, not navigation or functional elements.
What I need from you:
Please compile a list of 10 or 20 keywords that you feel would benefit your business (order of importance would be helpful). Try to choose keywords that give you a realistic chance of being on the first Search Engine Results Page (SERP) with. For example, you might have a successful local car dealership, but you won't make it to the first ten listings on the generic search term "cars." In contrast, "Sterling, Colorado Toyota Dealer" should be a search term that's "winnable."